Welcome! I provide my students the guidance, knowledge, training, and coaching needed to perform difficult music.
i offer specialized knowledge for:
- Pianists who have already completed an extended effort to master the art of piano performance.
- Pianists who have had some degree of success and are ready to study works on the level of:
- Chopin ballades and etudes,
- sonatas,
- concerti
- and other music by Rachmaninoff, Beethoven, Prokofieff, Ravel, etc. - Pianists who want solutions to the difficulties presented in these and other virtuoso compositions.
- Pianists who are ready and willing to make the effort to learn new methods of playing music and to unlearn habits of thinking and moving that are preventing success.
(See Philosophy page for more details.)
- Make difficult passages smooth and effortless.
- Revolutionize your performing and teaching abilities.
- Gain techniques that speed learning and retention of music.
- Save years of unproductive labor.
- Benefit from my years of work with a physical therapist/pianist and Feldenkrais expert to connect and feel one cooperating action from the seat to the keybed.
- Visualization and imagery reinforce this sense of connection.
- Use Taoist meditation to focus attention, free stuck energy and increase body awareness and alignment.
- Avoid Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).
Jim Porter,
(718) 636-1407
168 Hall Street
between Myrtle and Willoughby Avenues
Brooklyn, NY 11205